As for projects going this week it has been a very exciting week packed with great news. Monday I was able to get into Chinandega for several hours to begin the purchased for the students which are being sponsored this year. As I got late start due to an unexpected school meeting I was only able to purchase the uniforms, backpacks and a small start to the necessary school supplies. I am hoping to make it back into town Monday or Tuesday of next week to look for shoes, and the remaining necessary school supplies.
Other exciting news about the school includes a roof raising party. We are still working out the logistics of this party, but the community is totally behind it and I think it will work out well. The main objective is for community members to raise enough money to change the entire roof of the school. Currently we are using asbestos roofing panels held on the roof with large screws. The original idea for roof repairs was to only change the roofing screws, as the majority are rusted through. However, the more we looked at the roof we realized that to change any of the screws we would have to remove the entire roofing panel put in a new screw and then put the roof panel back on and tighten it down. Upon this discovery we, as a community, decided it would not only be damaging to the roofing panels by weakening them, but it would also create asbestos dust in all classrooms. This was unacceptable not only to me but to the community members, as it puts them and their children in danger. Therefore, we have decided to flip flop our yearly budget a bit, and have re-worked things so that we are only slightly short for the roofing materials. The community has decided to take part in raising the additional money by throwing a party and collecting money for a 50/50 raffle. All in all it seems like a great idea, but only time will tell.
For questions and comments please e-mail me at
1 comment:
Virtual memory is something that I seem to be unable to ever have enough of. It's as if megabytes and gigabytes have become an inseparable part of my every day existence. Ever since I bought a Micro SD Card for my DS flash card, I've been on permanent watch like a prison guard for large memory at low prices. I feel like I'm going insane.
(Posted using NetPost for R4i Nintendo DS.)
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