For starters, this year, the well was started by a newer hotel in the area of Jiquilillo. They came in full force with lots of man power and started digging, in what the teachers later told me was not an ideal area for a well. So, they broke cement and dug and dug, then purchased supplies and left. They actually left before the well was completely dug, and just left the supplies at the school. The sad part is, this was a group of volunteers from this other hotel in the area who really thought they were doing something good for the community. The problem: the volunteers didn't have enough time, the project was not headed by someone capable to actually complete it, and for the material to build the well they were using metal barrels which say "dangerous chemicals," and previously contained both paint and glue. The teachers and I were devastated, this well project by this other hotel in the area was unexpected, unplanned, and in the end almost unwanted. It was a cheap cry to pretend to help. The following is a picture of the barrels showing they are dangerous and say chemicals these were two of three barrels they were using to complete the well. So after scratching our heads, lots of meetings, a quick change in my plans, and a couple hundred dollars later the teachers, community, students, and the Assist Jiquilillo, Inc, and the owner of Rancho Esperanza, came up with a solution. We had no choice but to fix the situation. So we made some calls and rounded up some appropriate building materials and had a delivery made to the school!

With both deliveries complete we were able to get the help of all students, several parents, and the crew from Rancho Esperanza to help unload:

These are photo's of the two deliveries we received which included: 400+ cement blocks, construction sand, zinc, wood, nails, and a few other supplies. Also the pictures on the right are of the school children, teachers, fathers, and staff and friends of Rancho Esperanza lending a hand!

All materials were unloaded and put into an unused classroom in the Primary School. This room is the old Director's office, as the director of the school now has an office at the secondary school about forty-five minutes outside of Jiquilillo. The teachers and I decided this was the best place to store the building supplies until the time was right to start construction.

So now the real fun begins. After several more community meetings and little push from me with Assist Jiquilillo, Inc. we were able to start construction. This means first you have to dig a really big square hole. Let me tell this is not the best part, at all. So, we dig, and we dig, and we dig some more; the going is real slow as we are trying to dig through clay. Thankfully we had the help from Marcel a father of several students at the primary school, Roberto (not pictured here) also a father of several students, Aldrin a community member and son to the pre-school teacher, management from Rancho Esperanza and several friends who were staying at a nearby hotel as guests. With all this said and done, we worked for about two weeks, and, only managed to dig about 5 measly feet out of the 12 to 15 that we would need. It was a sad and frustrating time, but we needed a break, so we took a few days off and then started work again, only to find that the rains were about to begin and collapse our beautiful yet small hole for the well. This lead us to more community meetings, a well needed rest from the back breaking work, and finally plan number 2.

Plan number 2 seemed easy, fill in hole, find new location, and well start all over again. Finally we begin. Our work force consists of: Pedro, the president of the school committee at the time, Amanda and Roberto parents of several children who attend school, Jackson a 13 year old student at the primary school (not pictured here), Carlos another 13 year old student, several other students, Juan a prior student of this primary school, several other parents of students, me with Assist Jiquilillo, Inc., and guests and management at Rancho Esperanza. So we dig, and we dig, and we dig some more; the going however is super easy; it's all sand (which is a plus as it's said to be a better filtration system) and complete the digging of the well in only 4 hours. It was miraculous! The next day construction begins. We lay cement blocks and cement them in place, until the structure is approximately 5 feet high! Next we wait, and we wait, and we wait some more. The rains began to fall again and we all get a little nervous that the hole and the structure will collapse. A couple days later, once everything was dry again Robert, our lead mason and father of several students, with his assistant Jackson, a student, finished the well! The major problem, which we thought we may face, was the water was brackish. However, the teachers and students are excited at the idea of having access to water for washing their hands, and cleaning the school and latrines. Therefore, even though the water is brackish the well was very necessary. Plus Assist Jiquilillo, Inc. currently has drinking water bused in from the city of Chinandega on a weekly basis.

Several days later, with the remaining blocks, Don Roberto and Jackson built a hand washing and cleaning station. Their dedication and persistence has led to amazing changes for the Camilo Zapata Primary School of Jiquilillo. Next year we are hoping to install a pulley system for hauling water from the well, and in the future a hang pump system to make hauling water a much easier experience. The teachers and I have spoken and would like to make sure that only a little bit is done each year on each project. This is so the students can be a part of the process and see how much work and persistence is needed to make a change and keep the change working for the best! Through the construction of this well I've learned cutting corners isn't worth it, the students and the school are too important to suffer. I've also learned that although things may seem easy at first, there are hidden complications which need perseverance and a lot of community involvement to overcome. If Assist Jiquilillo, Inc. hadn't been able to supply the materials and community had not been willing to work to better their own lives and the lives of their children, this project never would have come together the way it had. I am very proud and very happy especially in thinking of all the people who have lent a hand, this makes me smile yet also makes me shed a tear for joy, because I have never felt a part of a community like I do now. Even though the well took longer than anticipated, the community participation was not as much as I had hoped for; it was completed, and completed by several very dedicated men and women. It feels empowering, knowing that you not only have the support from your friends and family but also from an entire community!

brackish water, no problem, get a filter like the one you can use to filter horrible pond water into potable drinking water. Recall the operation at Holbrook's Stef? It can be done, just need money, as always. But I find when a specific project or a cash figure is determined, the money will come, Good fortunes always follow the pure at heart, and you are that.
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