So far things with the projects have been slow. To start Nate Yue and I spent 2 days in Managua with our friend Moises, who is a mechanic. We must have looked at just over 15 vehicles. I have the blisters on my feet to prove it as well. Still no luck. The majority of vehicles did not pass Moises tests and the ones which did well as you can guess where way out of my price range. Moises also informed Nate and I towards the end of the day that we were getting "Gringo prices." This means that because Nate and I were from the US they were giving us a higher price than they normally would. Moises only knows this because he had looked at several of the vehicles previously and they had given him a cheeper price. Go figure. Thanks to Moises´honesty we have hired him to head out of Managua to both Masaya and Rivas where he will have more luck finding affordable cars in good condition since these places are closer to the Costa Rican border. Nate and I will not hear back from him until tomorrow so I will make another posting whenever I get back into the city.
As for the clothing and supplies which I had collected tomorrow Doña Fransica will be walking through Jiquilillo another time because the first list of the families who need the most help was accidentaly throw out while I was in Managua. Doña Fran and I are focusing on families run by a single mother and larger families who do not have a good means of income. I will have a more specific update about this and will include pictures of some of the families.
As for the sponsor of children through the school, things have also been moving slowly. The village has now been without power for 5 days and nights straight so most children have not been going to school and most of the teachers have left to return to the city to the luxury of their own homes. Nate did however, get a chance to speak with the teachers today while I was in the city and he called to let me know we have another meeting scheduled for Wednesday. This is good news. What I have asked the teachers to bring to the meeting is their class attendance lists, grades and notes about the children in their classes. I am hoping to find children who enjoy coming to school and do well when they are there, but who just cannot afford the supplies. I will let you know how this meeting goes once I return to Chinandega (the city where I use the internet.
As you can see I actually remembered to bring the camera and hook-up to the city with me this time. The attached picture was taken the other day at Kid´s Club. The girl in the photo with me is Maria she is 10 years old. She lives with her 3 older sisters and her twin brother. Her parents do not live with them and Maria herself does not know where they are.
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