So greetings to all. It's finally time. My bags are packed and I'm going away!!! Oh my has time flown. As it turns out I had a large amount of donations to bring with my; however, thanks to Continental Airlines, I'm unable to transport everything. It turns out they put a baggage restriction during holiday times. Therefore I'm only allowed two checked bags and one carry one, no money would sway them either. So only a few items will be coming with me. Perhaps my mother will be able to transport more with her in March when she comes for a visit!!
I fly out from Portland this time around, much easier! I leave bright and early at 6am on the 28th but won't land in Nicaragua until 9pm! What a long day I have ahead of me. I will spend the entire day on the 29th in the city purchasing all the Christmas presents for the kids in the village. I've got a budget set and am hoping to get all 200 or so presents for under $400. It should be possible!!! Last year I think I averaged about $2 per child and everyone was super happy!
As for the classes and the children being sponsored for school it's a go. The teachers have been working on choosing the most needy children. Therefore when classes commence in February I will be there to award these children supplies and uniforms for the year! I'll drop everyone a bio and pictures on the child their money has been used to sponsor by the end of March.
Adult ed and Kids club projects are going to be great this year. Nate, owner of Rancho Esperanza, has finished the construction of the community center yet has fallen short for the funding of the walls so we are hoping for a miracle or a carpenter to come through the hostel as a volunteer. Otherwise I may end up using $250 or so from the adult ed program funding to finish the center so we have a place for the classes and the kids club to take place! I'll keep you all posted.
Looks like I'll get into the city once a week perhaps once every two weeks. I'll do my best to keep the blog updated!!
Wishing you all a wonderful New Years. If you'd like to drop a line the phone number to the hostel is [international prefix] 011 (country code) 505 879-1795. We are only one hour behind Maine, just so you know the time difference!
Much love to all and Thanks again for all your support!