Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Three, Two, One, Action

Ok, as you all know I've returned to Maine and have been trying to get back into the swing of the real world here. I think I've finally done it. I've managed to get my car out of storage and fix the brakes, which had rusted since it sat so darn long. I've also been fortunate enough to get cheep car insurance and the registration was not as bad as expected.

So with that crossed off the list I moved onto a way to gain personal financial stability. This was hard, and I hemmed and hawed about the cleaning business for a long time, but in the end decided if I was to be back in the US I should do something where I use my brain and try and further my networking. So yes I did it, I'm back working as an Appraiser Trainee, Thank you PM!!!!! So far things are going well at work, I'm having a bit of a hard time transitioning in from Nicaragua work ethics back to US work requirements, and trying to make sure I have a balance between a work life and a social network! So far so good. Next was find a place to live. Mom and Dad I love you but I can't live with you as you both know too well. As an independent woman with financial constraints this however has proved to be one of the more trying goals to accomplish. I generally don't live well with others, but I needed help. So I checked out Craigslist, with no luck, no one was comfortable with only a 6 month living situation. On to the next, the Portland Press actually did it for me. Yes they came through. I've met two really nice people whom, I now share an apartment with so far the living situation has been working great. We all get along and our energy's play off each other quite well. The bonus is I've now got a computer with constant internet access so my life of fundraising has become much more accessible.

So now that everything is done, except for the doctor for this darn ear infection, I am recomensing my trials and struggles for my heart. I'm back on a mission and was wondering if anyone had some words of advice for me. What I'm trying to do is get a grant. No, I'm not under non-profit status, I'm just not at the level where that is possible, but I do still have some great ideas in mind for my village. If anyone has any suggestions on where to start to look for a sponsor to cover me I would greatly appreciate some advice. I'm taking a chance and will be going down to talk with Safe Passage in Yarmouth next week, once my schedule allows me time, and am hoping they are willing to assist still. But any other ideas would be greatly appreciated. After that, perhaps at the end of this month or sometime in the beginning of next I would like to put on a benefit dinner with typical Nicaraguan food and a really neat slide show of my village, my friends and the families whom I love soooo much!!!!!

Friday, July 6, 2007

I'm Back and Ready to Get Back to Fundraising

So as you may all have guessed, I'm back to the USA. I made it back for the 4th of July, just in time to celebrate the Independence of the US, not that I actually made it out to see the fireworks because of the rain.

In the end things worked out alright. I got half of my projects completed, with great plans for January when I return to Jiquilillo! All the clothing donations got handed out as well as the supplies for the school! It was so nice to see all the children wearing their clothing donations on my last few days in the village. And I'm not kidding the Kid's were wearing either the shirts or shorts for 2 and some even 3 days in a row, and they had these big grins on their faces. I know all the clothing will get so much use!! Thank you all for making that possible for my little buggers out in Nicaragua.

As for the pick-up and the sponsoring of the school children, both these projects will take place upon my return to Nicaragua in January. Moises, my friend and trusted mechanic, promises to keep his eyes and ears open in search for a worthy vehicle. This is a bonus and I really respect his judgement. Nathan, my friend and owner of Rancho Esperanza, has promised to visit the teachers once a week to make sure that they are keeping track of everything that I need for the sponsoring. The teachers and I have decided that since almost all the children are in need of assistance for attending school it would be wisest to keep track of attendance and attitude. The teachers will be using a sticker chart and everyday a child attends school they get a sticker. They can earn an extra sticker at the end of the day if they have been good and attentive during class. In January when I return the children with the most stickers will be the first ones to be looked at for sponsoring. Now don't worry this is not just something we talked to the teachers about, all the kids know and the parents who attended our meeting also know. It's sort of an incentive for the children to attend school.

Two pictures are attached with this post. One is of me with Carlos a 12 year old boy who lives on the northern limits of Jiquilillo. I have just brought him and his family their bag of donated clothing. His house can be seen behind us and accommodates both his Mother & Father and two older sisters. The kitchen area (consisting of a fire pit and several cooking utensils) is located to the right of the photo and the sleeping area is to the left. The other picture is of our lovely bus system for Jiquilillo. The picture is taken on my bus ride out of the village. I finally got the privilege of riding on top of the bus known as El Carmen, it was so much cooler up there. The bus heading towards us is known as El Titanic and is heading in towards the village of Jiquilillo from Chinandega.